This was a very diverse week of activities, ranging from making Orange Markalade to visiting the Museum of Contemporary Art to see video artist Pipilotti Rist's 30 years retrospective and the Art Gallery of New South Wales to see Robert Maplethorpe's photography exhibition.
5/2/2018 - Monday
I went and bought some oranges to make some markalade.
The grated peel
of six oranges
Oranges after
grating the peel
Oranges with
pith removed
Pith, seeds and
fibrous matter
Grated peel and
broken up orange
Ready for water
and cooking
Just enough water
added to cover the
fruity bits
The final results…
2 small jars
and 1 large jar…
With a little
extra leftover
I’m trying to reduce meat so am having a no-meat Monday. I made a vegetarian pizza to get the ball rolling.
Mushroom, capsicum,
onion, and pineapple
Ready to be put into
the oven
I went to Matt and Deniz’ place for a vegetarian dinner.
6/2/2018 - Tuesday
I worked on the feedback from Jo concerning my writing about that part of my creative practice that experiments with detournement.
I took 2 bags of accumulated soft plastics to be recycled. The one that had been put in front of Coles in Wollongong has been removed and I had to take them to Berkeley when I went to see my father.
2 bags for
and 1 on
the go
I gave a jar of markalade to Alison who lives across the road for her birthday. This is good for helping to establish and grow a co-operative local community.
7/2/2018 - Wednesday
I did more on my exegetical writing for The Long March (2018), outlining a possible exhibition as well as responding to other feedback about structure etc.
A sketch of my
proposed gallery
layout to exhibit
the six-works of
The Long March 2018
I worked on my exegetical writing before I had lunch with fellow PhD candidate Misty… we discussed the possibility of doing some Batik together. This is an Indonesian textile dying method using wax. I hope we get to do this.
I saw PhD candidate Vern about providing the next reading for the Semi-Colons reading group.
8/2/2018 - Thursday
I did some emails etc. in the morning. It looks as if I’m going to be given a tighter and more rigorous program. Eek! Next joint meeting (19th of February) will be a massive review of where I’m at.
I updated my journal - optimising images etc.
I had lunch with Research Masters candidate Deniz.
I continued exegetical writing.
9/2/2018 - Friday
I had lunch with fellow PhD candidate John… good to catch up for another year coming.
I spent some time doing Social Media… PSST Facebook… notify members of upcoming events… O Week and Clubs Day… Plus Corporations Need More Facebook and Twitter… I need to start thinking about Instagram too.
10/2/2018 - Saturday
I went to the MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) to see Swiss Video Artist, Pipilotti Rist’s 30-year retrospective with some friends. I read about autoethnography on the way to Sydney on the train.
Projection onto
a painting -
Pipilotti Rist
We took a scenic walk through the Botanic Gardens to see the Robert Maplethorpe exhibition and Art Express at the AGNSW (Art Gallery of New South Wales).
Pink bananas in
the Botanic Gardens.
I didn’t get back in time to go home and get ready for an event in that evening.
At about 7.00pm I got off the train at Thirroul to attend the farewell function (in shorts, T-shirt and sandals after a hot day… everyone else was suitably attired).
The joys of
hiding the
sadness of
11/2/2018 - Sunday
We held a PSST meeting to organise ourselves for O Week which is coming up on February 20th. We developed a plan for prizes and running our Treasure Hunt Derive. We’re promoting alternative consumption using info sheets and providing a hand painted tote bag with items for winners. Participants will need to locate and document where they find the PSST logo.
The Post Situationist
Society Logo
Deniz made 2 avatar/emojis for me to use on social media. It’s amazing how customizable you can design them.
Scarily lifelike
Even Suitman has
been beautifully