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July 2017 - Citrus Cleaner & Bread Making

Writer's picture: SuitmanSuitman

Updated: Nov 29, 2017


I decanted the liquid from the first batch of orange peel & vinegar into a spray bottle.

Darker liquid from the

orange oil extraction

I want to test some on an old stain when I do the laundry today. I’m also going to use soap nut liquid that I have had stored in the fridge instead of soap nuts. This is because I want to use this liquid up because it was made in March and I noticed some that was in a spray bottle under the sink had started growing black fungus sludge. Unfortunately, I was so disgusted I poured it out immediately and cleaned the bottle before realising that I should have taken pictures. Doh!

Unknown stain on

a pair of shorts.


Unfortunately, the experiment with the orange oil and the stain didn’t work. Maybe it needed to be left to soak for a while, or maybe I need to use something more specific. I’m not sure what the stain is; maybe blood or coffee; something for me to investigate further.

I’ve been thinking about some sort of video work titled ‘The Living of Art’, whether this would be simply documenting my practice of ‘personal revolution’ or whether it would be some sort of experimental, surreal fiction. In the case of the latter, it would be extending on Beuys’ idea of the world as a work of art; to see it as exactly that, but as an artwork of the Gods, for their ‘appreciation’. The mechanics, or workings of this artwork, are relational, with every part influencing all other parts. I am considering a Hindu model of thinking, in terms of time and ‘ages’, or ‘Yugas’, as well as the experience of all life on earth being the experience of the supreme divinity.


I was given a bag of citrus peels from fruit that had been home-grown and juiced. I cleaned up a lot of pith matter and managed to nearly fill a 400ml glass jar with peels. I covered this with white vinegar and stored it in a dark place for at least the next month to extract the oils.

A bag of home-grown

citrus peel

Ready for cleaning the

pith off and cutting into

smaller pieces

400-gram jar with

peels and vinegar


I went to check out a new store that recently opened in Wollongong. It’s a bulk foods place called The Source that I had come across in my research earlier in the year. They promote bringing your own containers etc. Unfortunately, they are located in the lower Crown Street Mall, which is not very close to any parking and therefore requires lugging containers to and from the store (which can be quite weighty if using glass).

The Source (bulk food shop)

located in lower Crown Street

Mall, Wollongong

Interior of the shop from

the back-left corner

Interior of the shop from

the back-right corner

I’m buying lots more fresh food for meals, which has greatly reduced the packaging I have been bringing home and then having to deal with. To help with storage, I have printed out a great guide on how to keep fruit and vegetables fresh without plastic. I have this stuck to the fridge for easy reference when in the kitchen. See the links below to get a copy.


Reprinted with permission from:

Also, worth noting - my metabolism seems to have been restored by either taking vitamin D or quitting milk. I don’t know if I am maybe lactose intolerant or what’s going on but I have an appetite like I haven’t had in years. Anyone who knows me will know that I have tended to agonise over food, eating because I am vague or because it is ‘time’ to eat, but rarely with hunger or enjoyment. I am enjoying experiencing hunger and am enjoying eating. It is weird but wonderful. Woohoo \o/


I'm still working on my RPR…


Send writing for feedback


Birthday socialising


RPR focus…


I’ve been collecting plenty of citrus peels and have decided to see if it makes any difference if I dry the peels first. I’m thinking the oils may extract better without the water content.

Drying peels in

the sun


I attended a Linguistics Workshop and presented my project. There was some good discussion and I learned not to read academic writing at people (I read my latest abstract as a summary).

Also, the peels have reduced quite a bit after a couple of days outside with a few hours of sun each day.

Reduced and dried peels


I went to the zero-waste shop to get some different types of flour to try making my own bread. I’m going to try to make a multigrain loaf using rye flour, whole wheat flour, cracked wheat, and regular flour. I also grabbed some oats to try and find something to eat other than toast now that I’m now having cereal (due to no milk). And I grabbed some organic arrowroot for making deodorant (this is 50% more expensive than buying McCormack’s from Woolworths). I put each item in a paper bag and paid by weight then put them in jars at home.

Items from the zero-waste

shop packaged at home


Supervisor meeting


I put ingredients together today and created a bread dough.

Different types of flour


Mixed with water to

make dough

I left the dough for 8 hours before putting it in the fridge.


I took the bread dough out of the fridge and left it for a couple of hours before halving and cooking. I cooked one half in a pottery casserole dish with a lid and the other in a cake tin. They are both a bit ‘heavy’, and quite dense with a hard, crunchy crust. Next time I’ll try using another recipe, or soda water to make it lighter and more yeast to make it rise better.

I made a round shaped

loaf for the casserole dish

Inside the pottery casserole


The finished loaf

The second loaf put

into a cake tin

The finished loaf

My first slice of homemade

bread to taste…

chewy, crunchy and tasty


I put the dried peels into a jar with vinegar today. They had reduced in bulk considerably compared to fresh peels. Hopefully this helps with oil extraction for cleaning.

I put a lot more peel into

a smaller jar after drying

The bread was a bit dry today but I gave both loaves to a couple of friends who were willing recipients. I have a lot of experimenting to do and can only get better.


We had a PSST meeting today to plan for Clubs Day coming up on the Wednesday August 2nd. We managed to get $100 from CSE to spend on art supplies for various activities people can participate in on the day. We’ll meet again next weekend to buy a few things: like a roll of drawing paper, playdough, marker pens, paints, brushes etc., and make final arrangements for what we need to take (such as De-board).


I made a 25 min. edit of assorted PSST clips so we can demonstrate what we do on Clubs Day. I also made a new flyer to put around, hand out, and have available to pick up from our stand.

Collaboratively painting

squares for De-board in

the street (2015)

(still from video edit of

PSST activities)

Updated PSST flyer…

Indicates a focus on

alternative consumption


I’m maintaining my newly acquired cooking practice rather than opting for convenience food. I am also still composting.

Chopped and peel


Veggie scraps ready for

taking out to compost


I went to Art Arena Gallery to talk to owner Kylie about possible future use of the gallery

I was given a metal water bottle to carry water with me wherever I go.


Homemade pizza on

Lebanese bread

Various homemade

soaps I’m using in

the bathroom

The last of the aging, going

rancid soap (batches 5 & 6)

(The worst batches I made –

possibly using rancid oil)


I went on an art supplies shopping expedition with other PSST members to purchase collaborative / participatory equipment for Clubs day – Note: We had quite a dilemma trying to be ‘ethical’ and ‘non-corporate’. We drove around a lot and still ended up going to a major art supply franchise.

I managed to get a lift to the Uni in a carpooling car (for 3 or more people. There is a bonus free-parking incentive provided by the Uni) and then caught the free bus home.

Lunch time meeting PSST at Unibar

Meet with supervisors at 1.00pm (1 ½ hr meeting… Andrew back from Ireland… lots of catch up feedback to sort out.

Work on RPR


Purchased a fold-away shopping bag that I can have with me to overcome any possibility of not having a bag. I am also getting used to having a shoulder bag so that I can easily carry water etc.

Pick Dad up from airport


PSST art and activity day plus prepare for Clubs Day on Wednesday August 2nd.

Made an image detournement and a deodorant kit.

Nic and Noah also made artworks… Noah is experimenting with stenciling and Nic made a graffiti style PSST sign which can have more graffiti / images added.


Working on my RPR

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