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May 2018 - Week 4: A Letter From My Local MP, Acting, Cooking & Painting

Writer's picture: SuitmanSuitman

I signed a petition to my local Federal-member of parliament about the proposed corporate tax cuts and I received a reply outlining the campaign to prevent this happening, as well as additional steps to improve transparency of corporate tax maneuvers.

Letter head on the reply from my Federal Member of parliament.
Letter head on the reply from my Federal Member of parliament.

21/5/2018 - Monday

I returned the equipment to Glenn that I borrowed for the Digital Media exhibition.

I took myself to lunch to Fairy Meadow Bowling Club. I haven't been there for quite a while. I like its old world charm and the fact that its still a small club catering to its longtime members.

I went to a different fruit market because the one near me has closed to make room for a new block of apartments.

There are a lot of new developments being built in Wollongong at the moment. Near where I live, there are four cranes in operation. There are a lot of houses, and others adjacent to them, being demolished to build large apartment blocks.

I made a pea soup for dinner. It's been getting chilly lately so it will be sure to provide plenty of comfort.

I did some editing to my writing Personal Revolution (from Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life)

22/5/2018 - Tuesday

I finally went to get my blood tests done. It's taken about two weeks for me to get up and not have coffee. Fasting is a pain. Afterwards I grabbed something to eat and was pleased to see non-plastic takeaway containers being used.

Cardboard takeaway container.
Cardboard takeaway container.

I did a load of washing to clean the sheets I used for my installation.

I received a reply from Sharon Bird, my Federal member of parliament. This was in response to my signing a petition about the proposed corporate tax cuts.

A reply from Sharon Bird to the petition I signed.
A reply from Sharon Bird to the petition I signed.

A reply to the petition I signed.
A reply to the petition I signed.

I cooked some mushrooms to eat on their own. I need to see if there are any upcoming opportunities to go mushroom foraging. The weather is finally cold enough (new records have been set for hot days extending into May... so much for Autumn), but it has still been a bit dry.

These mushrooms are delicious.
These mushrooms are delicious.

I continued writing / editing my latest writing about Personal Revolution based on Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life.

23/5/2018 - Wednesday

I started using some more of the old rancid soap (nearly all gone) while I wait for my latest batches to cure. It is evident how the look of the soap improves with use. The soap starts off looking orange and ends up white. I still have one bar of the Castille soap I made about 18 months ago. It is now hard and white.

The last bar of Castille Soap (100% olive oil). This was the first batch of soap I ever made (in December 2016).
The last bar of Castille Soap (100% olive oil). This was the first batch of soap I ever made (in December 2016).

I went to Thirroul in the morning for an acting gig to help friends who are making a production. Jordan, Adam, and Reece did the Digital Media degree with me and now run Its Got Stealth Productions. I played an antique store clerk.

Outside Thirroul antique store.
Outside Thirroul antique store.

Jordan getting the camera and Reece surveying the scene.
Jordan getting the camera and Reece surveying the scene.

Jordan setting up the shot.
Jordan setting up the shot.

Madeleine checking sound levels.
Madeleine checking sound levels.

I went to the Executives Meeting at Project Gallery at 5.00pm.

24/5/2018 - Thursday.

I finally remembered to clean the containers from when I last made soap. It's a good idea to leave them a day or two so the soap has set and is no longer oily.

I went and had lunch and caught up with fellow PhD candidate John Harris at the Uni.

I sent writing to Jo and Andrew ready for our meeting on Monday.

I optimised images and updated my draft journal.

25/5/2018 - Friday

I took my car to get the wheel bearing fixed. It proved to be problematic as the bearing kit I had was the wrong size and now I'm having a hard time locating the correct size. Jason is a mechanic so I'm lucky that he will hopefully solve the issue this week.

Jason removing the bearing.
Jason removing the bearing.

I started adding text to CommodiSky to get it ready for its next iteration to be shown at the Digital Media Centre Gallery in July.

CommodiSky still with text.
CommodiSky still with text.

26/5/2018 - Saturday

I painted some more of my clothes in the morning.

Left: swirl pattern on a previously painted shirt. Right: A pair of painted shorts and the repainted shirt.
Left: swirl pattern on a previously painted shirt. Right: A pair of painted shorts and the repainted shirt.

Left: A grey shirt painted with blue, purple, and black. Right: A stencil shirt with red, yellow and black paint added.
Left: A grey shirt painted with blue, purple, and black. Right: A stencil shirt with red, yellow and black paint added.

Left: Blue, Yellow and Green painted shorts (covering a coffee stain) Right: black, yellow and red added to the shirt above.
Left: Blue, Yellow and Green painted shorts (covering a coffee stain) Right: black, yellow and red added to the shirt above.

I went to Dad's for lunch.

I rendered the CommodiSky file so I can watch it and determine what else it needs.

I optimised images and updated this week's draft journal entry.

27/5/2018 - Sunday

I went to a Volunteers Morning Tea at Project Gallery.

I made a batch of strawberry jam in the afternoon.

Left: Strawberries and sugar boiling. Right: Adding pectin to thicken the mixture.
Left: Strawberries and sugar boiling. Right: Adding pectin to thicken the mixture.

Left: Testing to see if the jam is set. Right: The strawberry mixture is in the jug ready for pouring into jars.
Left: Testing to see if the jam is set. Right: The strawberry mixture is in the jug ready for pouring into jars.

 I made two 375 gram jars from 500 grams of fruit and 500 grams of sugar.
I made two 375 gram jars from 500 grams of fruit and 500 grams of sugar.

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