I spoke to Mitchell’s Fruit Market Manager about the fact that there are only plastic containers for milk. He said he would see what he could do about getting a cardboard option.
I need to gather together five people to be the executive to start up a non-profit. At this stage I have in mind Jason, Zema, Simon, Bryce and myself. This group of people have various backgrounds in business, web, art and activism.
I started to gather materials, such as oils, lye (sodium hydroxide/caustic soda) and equipment for trial and testing recipes.
I thought a bit about creating interest through events, demonstrations, as well as publicity and promotion. I’m not sure yet how I’ll manage to bring things together without a location to operate from. All these things are still some way off though, as I have a lot to sort out for myself first.
Bulk market in
I researched about waste free grocery stores worldwide. There is a relatively new movement starting with some stores in Germany, France and the United States. There are even a couple that have started out in Australia, although they appear to be high end, niche market style stores.
Texas 'waste-free'
The Source - Australia
(a store opened in
Wollongong in 2017)